Your Motivational Gen Z and Millennial Expert-Your host: Dr. Jason Wiggins
I focus on the motivational aspects with a high emphasize on motivating Gen Z and Millennials (GEN X will also find great value) and the employers who employ them for continuous improvement. This podcast focuses on motivating Gen Z and Millennials to empower to overcome obstacles within our everyday lived experiences. I have a passion for educating, speaking and guiding Gen Z and Millennials to achieve great things. Gen Z and Millennials have experienced so much in a short amount of time as the world continue to move faster. Self-Awareness and belief in our abilities provide a strong foundation for health, happiness and prosperity in a world that offers continuous challenges.
This is a motivational series for Gen Z and Millennials and those who aspire to do great things, while interested in understanding these two great generations and how we can aspire to be better because of the value of motivating through life experiences.
Life is hard, but when we challenge others or ourselves to be successful, then the world demonstrates the value of those who put in the effort. My hope is that each listener will find value and then share that value with others. I am a change leader that is passionate about life transformations and taking our passion and motivation to the next level. YOU CAN DO IT! Remembers Dreams without Goals are just Dreams.
Your Motivational Gen Z and Millennial Expert-Your host: Dr. Jason Wiggins
Key Motivating Factors That Will Drive Success Versus Constant Failure (Episode 156)
Are you ready to transform your mindset and master the habits that pave the way to success? This week, Dr. Jason Wiggins celebrates the triumphs and examines the trials that Millennials and Gen Z face in their quest for excellence. We dissect the critical role mental health plays in shaping our goals, the impact of proactivity on our achievements, and the importance of confidence in overcoming generational challenges. Join us for an intriguing reflection on the complex dance between ambition and attainment, inspired by wisdom from Michael Jordan to Ayn Rand, as we uncover the pitfalls that could be sabotaging your journey to the top.
Maintaining our health and promoting personal growth isn't just a good idea—it's the bedrock of triumph in every aspect of life. I get real about my own struggles to stay fit and eat right amidst a hectic schedule, and I lay bare why taking responsibility for our actions is the foundation for transformation. If you've ever felt stymied by change or trapped in a cycle of blame, this episode is your wake-up call to embrace evolution and recognize the value of every minute. It's a candid look at the power of seeking assistance, not as a weakness, but as a brave step towards self-improvement and collective success.
Finally, we zero in on ten make-or-break habits that could be defining your path to victory—or leading you astray. From the dangers of unclear goals to the risks of playing it safe, we scrutinize the behaviors that hold us back and share actionable advice for breaking free. This is not just an episode; it's a strategic session aimed at reigniting your motivation and helping you carve out a unique and victorious path. So, join us. It's time to step up to the plate, shake off the inertia, and charge towards your dreams with the next episode of our journey, where greatness is not just a destination, but the road we travel together.
Well, hello friends, welcome to your motivational Gen Z and Millennial Expert podcast. I am your host. My name is Dr Jason Wiggins and thank you very much for being here. I hope everybody had a great weekend. I know I did and I'm excited to be here. First and foremost, I want to thank the listeners. I appreciate you and everybody that's reached out. Millennial FeedSpot has rated our podcast the number 12 podcast in the world as a Millennial podcast. So again, thank you for FeedSpot for naming your motivational Gen Z and Millennial Expert podcast number 12 in the world. So thank you very much. Well, first and foremost, I'm excited to be here and let's get started. Let's skip this. Let's get our heads right and get moving forward. I've got my nice cup of tea here and I'm ready to settle in and get going.
Speaker 1:So today's podcast is going to be about success versus desire of millennials and Gen Zs. We know that both of these groups are extremely intelligent. They've been through a lot In the time. Specifically, gen Z has been through some of the most turmoil, but millennials have also been part of the equation, but at happier times. They've had a great economy at times, but Gen Z has seen something of opposite. It has not been a good economy. It is now time to start thinking about our success versus desire, and we ask what does that truly mean? Does it have something to do with mental health? Does it have something to do with being proactive in life or not being proactive in life, or is it a combination of everything? And so that's what we're going to talk about today, and then we're also going to go over what quotes that famous people stated that have to do with millennials and Gen Z versus success versus desire, and we've got three great quotes one by Michael Jordan, one by Napoleon Hill and one by Ayan Raun. So we'll get to those, and then we'll also have our what would you do moment, and then we'll leave you with just more motivation to get your day started right or, if you're in the middle of the day, continue to keep your day moving forward. So that's how we're going to start today.
Speaker 1:We're going to talk about success versus desire and many of the elements of why Gen Z and millennials, maybe, are not seeing the success that you would like to see. Is it the lack of effort? Is it the lack of persistence? Is it the lack of desire, or is it just not being confident? Maybe it's some of these, maybe it's none of these, but we will dive into those today as well. So have you ever wondered why some people never seem to make any progress in life? Well, it might be because of bad habits.
Speaker 1:The truth is, our daily habits can have a direct impact on how we live our lives and how our lives turn out. Our lives don't turn out because of fate. Fate is an outcome, but it's not how you get there. It's not the success that it takes to get there. It's about being able to do the right things, to have the right habits. So we're about to dive into the not successful, not so successful habits of individuals who just can't seem to get ahead. Don't blame me, don't blame your friend, don't blame your teacher, don't blame all these people that are getting ahead. Of each and every one of us, we have a direct impact on their success in our life. We're not here to criticize or judge anybody. I'm not here to criticize or judge anyone. We're just looking at what pitfalls that we can help others dodge, to help them keep the lies moving forward, to help keep me, keep my life moving forward.
Speaker 1:So let's dive into these habits that are sabotaging people. We know, maybe it's sabotaging me, maybe it's you, maybe it's your family member, it's a friend. But these are the things you want to avoid, and one of the first and foremost ones that you want to avoid is not setting clear goals. Do you ever notice that some people just are kind of drifting around with no inkling of what to do, how to do? I mean, it's okay if you have a lapse, you know, within your life for six months, maybe a year, as you try to figure things out. We all have a tough road. Gen Z and Millennials have experienced these tough roads, so we'll have Baby Boomers and Gen X. But it's up to us to decide how we're gonna set the goals up in our lives, because there has to be a clear vision, there has to be purpose, there has to be goals. You know what you want to achieve, but you have to have a roadmap to get there. On the other hand, it's about lacking clarity. If you have dreams, dreams are great. I love dreams. Dreams are about being able to make an impact, being able to make a desired goal a fruition, but they have to be concrete goals. Remember, without a clear destination in mind, how can we get there? So, if you want to avoid not getting ahead in life, start simply by stating the goal, writing it down and then simply moving forward and achieving that goal, taking the desired steps to achieve that goal. So setting goals is a top priority.
Speaker 1:What do other unsuccessful individuals do? They always say be careful of doing this, be careful of doing that, you don't want to be risking this, you don't want to be risking that. The most successful businesses, business people in this world they did one thing. They had one thing in common they had risk, they appropriated the right risk and sometimes they failed. They failed many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many times within their life on some businesses. Some of the most successful people in the world had significant failing ventures and that means sometimes you have to figure out how to not avoid risk.
Speaker 1:Risk is not a bad thing. Taking calculated risk is a part of life and it's essential for growth. Yeah, nobody likes to step out of their comfort zone. I've had many occasions where the last thing I wanted to do was get in front of somebody and get out of my comfort zone. But if I didn't take a risk, then what am I going to gain by it? Sacrifices and risk. Happen that they have to happen sometimes. So remember no risk, no reward. So always playing it safe and avoiding risk. Ultimately, we might be holding ourself back. We can not let fear Impact what we want to do in life. Fear the only thing fear guarantees is you don't do the things you want to do. You don't do the things you need to do. That's what fear does.
Speaker 1:One of the key ones is Procrastination. We all know it, we've all done it, but that right there is a significant Hedrance to achieving what we want. What is procrastination? It's about I'm going to do this. It's all about lip service without the backing of action.
Speaker 1:Unsuccessful people find themselves stuck in a hamster wheel. They just go round and round and round and round and the task pile up and, before they know it, they don't get why they want why? Because they're overwhelmed. They struggle because of procrastination. I'm gonna go to school, I'm gonna do this, I'm gonna do that, I'm gonna better myself. They set deadlines. They don't do anything about it. So how do you move forward? You have to make subtle and small changes. Break down the larger tasks and make them in the smaller a man, manageable ones, set deadlines, prioritize. Hey, if it was easy, everybody would be doing it. So if you find yourself Not getting tasks done, pushing them aside, hitting the snooze button every two minutes and not getting up to 25, 30 minutes later, every single day, over a week time period, you've added three and a half hours to what you could have achieved during that time.
Speaker 1:So, right off the bat, we talked about the problem not setting clear goals. We talked about Avoiding risk, when sometimes calculated risk are nothing ventured, nothing gained. We talked about procrastination. Procrastination has been king for so many years for so many people. You've got to stop the hamster wheel. So if you know people like this, make sure they stop the hamster wheel from going around and around and around. Make sure they jump off the hamster wheel, start taking smaller, manageable tasks and let them see them begin to thrive.
Speaker 1:What's the old saying when you don't learn from your mistakes? Learning from your mistakes is about Understanding what you did wrong and not repeating those mistakes. Think about Thomas Edison. He invented the light bulb after a thousand unsuccessful attempts on Projects that didn't work, on experiments that didn't work. He failed so many times and one of the most famous Statements he ever made, among many I didn't fail a thousand times. The light bulb was an invention with a thousand steps because all of those experiences, what he learned from, allowed him to be able to be successful by inventing the light bulb. Remember, mistakes are going to happen, we're all going to make them, but what separates successful people from all the rest Is how do you respond? Do you put your head down? You shake your head and you walk a lot, a lot. Walk away and wonder, ah, bummer, I failed, I'm done, I quit. Or do you put your head down and you continue to grind to make that success a reality? So the next time you make a mistake, remembers Thomas Edison's words I didn't fail a thousand times. The light bulb was an invention with a thousand steps.
Speaker 1:Here's one that most people don't believe Is a hindrance to success within your life. They don't appreciate what they have. Think about all the successes that you've had over time, think about all the achievements you've had. But what about happens when you just sit there and dwell On the negatives? I wish I could have did this. I wish I could have did that. Some of the most incredible talented individuals may not have ever achieved their success because they didn't celebrate the small wins, they didn't understand the success along the way that ultimately Made them who they are today, made them that wonderful, talented individual that now has success.
Speaker 1:Gratitude is so impactful, so Powerful, because it shifts us from Our focus from what we lack to what we have, meaning we're thankful for everything we have. That's what's important. So we've talked about gratitude. Let's talk about, you know, other important aspects. These are about taking care of who we are as individuals. What does that mean?
Speaker 1:And I struggled with this. I was working 70 hours a week. I was not taking care of myself, health-wise Health wise is so important. Why? Because you need your sleep, you need to recharge your batteries, you need to eat nutritious food.
Speaker 1:In the past, I've worked with people that Didn't prioritize health, and you know what it showed they had health issues. Why do you have health issues? Because you don't take care of yourself. So how good can you be to others when you don't take care of yourself? You work long hours, you eat junk food and you don't get any exercise. So what happens? Your health takes a backseat. Well, if you want to be the best Person you can be, achieving the success you want to have, then you have to have the ability to prioritize your health. Me personally, my schedule is very busy now, but I make sure I find the time at least four times a week to prioritize my health and that's working out, eating right. Eating right should be a daily activity, but working out can be four or five times a week if that's all the time you had, and that is okay.
Speaker 1:Don't neglect your health. Take care of the mind, the body. It's not just mental health, it's physical health. It's the awareness of who we are and what kind of impact we can make on others. But you got to start by eating healthier, exercising regular. If you failed in your New Year's resolutions, if you started going to the gym and you stop, don't wait again to 2025. Get started. Everybody's left the gym now, so there's plenty of opportunity to work out. So if you got frustrated there's too many people to gym, well, we're almost eight weeks into the new year and everybody is now gone. So get back in the gym and prioritize your health. What and what's important?
Speaker 1:One of the most negating factors that is out there for the hindrance to be in a success you know of never moving forward in life. This one is a key one. Stop blaming others if you know people that are blaming others for why they haven't succeeded, why somebody got a promotion versus them, why people continue to move forward in their careers and you see people that don't. There is a common denominator between unsuccessful people and why they're not achieving what they want to achieve. It's they continue to blame others for their failure. We're all gonna fail. We're all gonna fail. There's not one person that's ever not failed.
Speaker 1:When things go wrong, it is easy to point blame the point fingers. It's their fault, it's his fault, it's it's her fault. It's that, you know. It's everybody's fault. They don't take responsibility for themselves. Well, they also say millennials and Gen Z are part of that problem. But again, I think that's a misnomer. I think that goes through all parties. That goes for baby boomers, gen X, gen Z and millennials.
Speaker 1:Everybody that's unsuccessful tends to blame others. They want to sabotage others success instead of celebrating their wins and how they can move forward and be successful. It's just an excuse. When you blame others For your own failures, it kills progress. Hey, if we screw up, own it. It's not somebody else's fault. We all make mistakes. We have to own it. I mean, I've been guilty of that more times than I'd like to say. My wife will say that at times where I tend to blame others, when it was my mistake, and many times she's right. When I make the mistakes, I need to own up to them and everybody does.
Speaker 1:One of the other important factors is the fear of change. Change is hard. Change can be very fearful. Why? Because it's the unknown. It's what's in it for me and how can this mess things up for me. So when you are not comfortable with change, it's okay, because generally most people are unsuccessful people. They fear change. Successful people, they fear change. But the difference is you overcome change, you figure out a way to get around it, you figure out how to challenge it. It's a part of life. Change is Invitable. More times than not you will have to change. So I know personally I've had to embrace change. It's either that fight or flight method Either you run towards the burning building or you run away from the burning building. You know. I think we all understand that To be successful in life, you have to embrace change. Change happens all the time. So, again, if you know somebody that struggles with change, you know, put your arm around them and say, hey, it's gonna go be okay. We've been there before. I've got two more that I'd like to share what is Unsuccessful.
Speaker 1:People don't value time. Guess what? We all have 1,400 and 40 minutes of the day, 24 hours a day and 18 hours of the day, and 86,400 seconds in a day. It's what we do in that time that makes the difference.
Speaker 1:One of the most precious commodity in life is time. It don't matter how rich you are, how much money you have. You have just as much time as somebody that has no money. There is no difference when the playing field is 100% equal. When time is gone, it's gone. When you waste time, it's wasted, it's gone. So the one thing that is the most valuable that you can't buy is time. If you ask somebody that's extremely rich with money, they would ask it would state I wish I had more time. When people are on their deathbed and counting their last moments in life, I wish I had more time. Time wasted is ultimately a wasted opportunity. Remember all time, all time. No time waits for no one. Again, time waits for no one, and there's not too many ways to get around that. So time is precious and so you want to utilize that time as much as you can.
Speaker 1:And the last one I want to talk about is not asking for help. Asking for help is the number one way to form alliances with others that share the same type of passion to getting things done. They share the camaraderie of wanting to be successful. Because guess what, when you ask for help, it doesn't mean you're weak. What it means is you're willing to understand that we all have limitations and those limitations we all. Just have to be able to find a way for somebody to help resolve those limitations.
Speaker 1:Success isn't easy and it's not supposed to be. Some of the best and most successful individuals have mentors. Even the, even presidents of the United States have mentors. Many people have mentors. Why? Because if you want something, go after it. Don't give up on the first sign of difficulty. It takes hard work, dedicated dedication and persistence. Therefore, you have to be able to ask for help. It does not show signs of weakness. It does not measure your limitations. It allows you to grow.
Speaker 1:So let's talk about these again. Again, there was 10 of them, and they were. They don't set clear goals. Unsuccessful people avoid risk. Unsuccessful people procrastinate. Unsuccessful people don't learn from their mistakes. They don't appreciate what they have. They don't take care of their health. They blame others for their failures. They don't value time, they fear change and they don't ask for help. These are the common denominators to those who fail, and the one thing I did want to cover is, besides the Thomas Edison quote that I already gave you, there's three of them that are extremely insightful. They're impactful. They should help help you through your daily tasks when you have questions about what is success versus failure and how can I overcome? I failed over and over and over again in my life and that's why I succeed. This was by Michael Jordan. The second one when you desires are strong enough, you will appear to possess superhuman powers to achieve. This is by Napoleon Hill. When your desires are strong enough, you will appear to possess superhuman powers to achieve. And last one, by Ian Ron.
Speaker 1:A creative man is motivated by the desire to achieve, not by the desire to beat others. What does that mean? It means concentrating on the task of what you want and how you want to win. So we talked today about the success versus desire and the 10 unsuccessful habits that will prevent us moving forward in our life. And what would you do moment is really about those around you If you see somebody in that hamster wheel and they're running and running and running and they can't get out the hamster wheel and they continue to do the same things over and over and over, while expecting a different result, which we know is the definition of insanity.
Speaker 1:And you see them doing that. How are you going to approach them? How are you going to help them? Are you going to help them develop a game plan? Are you going to have them come up with their own ideas on what they can do? What are their goals? What are their desires? How are they going to create the opportunity that could be in front of them if they choose success over failure? So that is the what would you do moment. And me, I would put my hand around them and I would ask them why do you think you continue to fail? And they will give you an answer, and whatever that answer is, then you say it's time to change. Now, what are you going to do about it and how are you going to set it up and what things can you do to make yourself better? Those are kind of the things that I would state with advice to those individuals.
Speaker 1:One of the things that we all talk about in life is about motivation. What does motivation mean to you? Well, motivation to me means whatever is in my way that I want to achieve, then I need to define a path to be successful. If you ask a kid how do they get to where they want to be, and you know what they'll tell you I'll try harder. Well, trying hard is good, but you have to set clear and defined goals about how you want to achieve. That's why Michael Jordan stated I failed over and over and over again in my life. That's why I succeed. That's why I succeed.
Speaker 1:The best baseball players in the world can't hit the ball three out of every 10 times. That, right there, shows you that that is a game of failure. Well, life is a game of failure. It's how many times you're going to get up and answer the bell. You're in a heavyweight fight. You're trading punches. You're knocking each other down. Who's the last one standing? Well, it's the one that doesn't give up and keeps punching back. And that is our motivation in life to keep punching back. Don't be the punching bag, but be the one that keeps punching. Give yourself a puncher's chance to be standing when that bell rings and be in. The winner, and the only winner, is the one that defines their own success in life by not blaming others, and that is a key point to be successful in our life.
Speaker 1:So I hope you enjoyed today's podcast. The podcast, again, was discussing success versus failure and what unsuccessful people do and never move forward in life. Don't do these. Make sure you do the opposite of what we mentioned today. I want to hear success stories about what you've done in your life to reach the success you wanted to achieve.
Speaker 1:I want to thank all the listeners. We have listeners all around the world and again, as I mentioned on top of the podcast, thank you to Feedspot for naming your motivational GenZ and Millennial Expert the number 12 best Millennial podcast in the world. So we are very proud of that and we owe it to all our wonderful listeners. So, again, please continue to share, subscribe and like if you see it on YouTube, if you see it on your favorite podcast platform or wherever you may listen. And again, you can reach out to me, jason, at GenZ and MillennialExpertcom, and I look forward to our next podcast, the weekly podcast. So again, thank you. And what we talk about, talk to you again next Monday. So again, thank you, take care and keep plugging away, keep being successful and we'll talk to you later. Bye, bye.