Your Motivational Gen Z and Millennial Expert-Your host: Dr. Jason Wiggins

Artificial Intelligence: Navigating Disruptions and Opportunities (Episode 144)

Dr. Jason Wiggins Season 1 Episode 144

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Ready to uncover the mysteries of Artificial Intelligence and its future implications? Brace yourselves as we pull back the curtain on AI, a concept already weaving its way into our daily lives and jobs, shaping our society at large. We’ll be taking a multi-generational approach, examining how everyone from Baby Boomers to Gen Z has grappled with the idea of AI, and how it's been portrayed in various forms of popular culture and technology. But it's not all rosy; we also shine a light on the apprehensions surrounding AI's potential to disrupt jobs and livelihoods. 

Prepare for the second part of our journey, where we plunge headlong into the disruptions, risks, and concerns that AI may bring. We'll dissect the potential impact on diverse sectors like healthcare and transportation, and evaluate the prediction that AI might actually create more jobs than it replaces. From unknown risks to ethical dilemmas, we'll face it all. But we'll also highlight the silver lining - opportunities for global collaboration and innovation that AI presents. It’s a complex and critical discussion and we want you to be part of it. So tune in, and let’s together navigate the future of AI and the importance of prudent AI usage.

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Speaker 1:

Hello friends, welcome to another podcast. This is number 144 of our podcast series. I am the host, my name is dr Jason Wiggins, and this podcast is the motivated Gen Z and millennial expert podcast, so Thank you for all those that continues to listen. I appreciate it and I'd like to get started today with a situation that that happened During my recent class with some MBA graduates. I'm teaching some MBA graduates specifically in change management and One of the things we began to discuss during this class was what is the effect with AI and how is that going to affect Leading change and managers being able to lead personnel and imagine if there's one day that we are working alongside AI and robots.

Speaker 1:

Many think that within the next 20 plus years, that is going to be something that will be happening, as 19% of jobs, according to experts say, could be replaced Once. Ai is a predominant figure, and that's what's going to be very interesting. So this class really started to reflect on me to say this is something we need to address. Ai, thinking back just three, four months ago, wasn't even really on my radar, and now, with chap, gpt and all of these sites, they can actually almost write students papers for them, which we have to be very cognitive as school administration and Professors, to ensure that this doesn't happen, which leads to other courses and situations which are the risk of AI. But today, what I really want to talk about and focus on are these four questions. Number one how disrupted is AI going to be in the near future? What are the concerns that we have about AI? And, and the number three is should we be concerned about AI within the scope of our future jobs and our overall daily lives? And, last but not least, what are the risk to AI and how they can affect us within our daily lives and Within our job constraints? Therefore, let's talk about some key components of AI and then this will kind of determine why the future is on course to the way it is. Let's look back, say, a few years ago Now I don't think a lot of people realize when we were able to do all the different things within our house, meaning we could come into a brand new house that was electronically connected and take an iPad and start stating all these commands and they would be followed within our house. That was, for me, it's really when AI became somewhat as an apparent to being able to do something really, really impactful for us in the future.

Speaker 1:

And this podcast is for Gen Z and Millennials. And let's talk about the generations first. Let's talk about how AI became to be within the scope of technology as we see it. Let's go back to the baby boomers. The baby boomers were those that were born between 1945 and 1964. They were the revolution for the TV. The first TV came out when they were in their youth and that right there was kind of the first technological wave past. The telephone. Telephone was prior to that, with the traditionalist and the first generations of the 20th century. Now, after that, you have Gen X. Gen X they were the focus of really the mobile, cell phone, the internet and the VCR generation. Now the internet was more post Gen X, meaning towards the very tail end, but they were still the main conveyors of the information that the internet provided. These are the generation that grew up with AOL and you have mail, or, excuse me, you got mail. And then after that, the Millennials. Many folks believe they're the digital natives. They were the first to really consume electronics early on in their life. And now Gen Z. Gen Z has always grown up with social media, but now they are now the introduction individuals for AI, which is artificial intelligence.

Speaker 1:

And so when we think about artificial intelligence, before we go back to the disruption on our first, you know what the concerns are about. Let's talk about what individuals think within society, and 67% of these individuals that were pulled across all generations believe that AI will change society greatly. Now we're not saying good or bad, we're just stating that it will be changed greatly. And that leads us to our first question what are the concerns about AI? Remember, when it comes to change, there's the fight or flight method. Either you're going to run towards the burning building, which is the fight, or you're going to run away from the burning building, which is the flight, and what AI is going to do. It's going to test individuals about how secure they are in their jobs. How much do they really think AI is going to impact their jobs and their livelihood in a way that could be very impactful. Right now, as we talked about, you can put an iPad and be able to change the electronics within your house. Think about the going online, asking a question and AI will provide you a solution. These are where I don't think most people even realize that this is artificial intelligence, and artificial intelligence is just exactly that. It's computers talking back to us.

Speaker 1:

If you think about how individuals are concerned about the electronics and AI, let's go back to the baby boomers. The baby boomers grew up with the Terminator again, robots. They grew up with the Jetsons. It was about futuristic family that flew around in spaceships. So baby boomers have heard for a long time that technology is going to impact their future. So they are a little bit more held back in their concerns about AI because at this point in time, according to baby boomers, we were supposed to have flying cars. That never happened.

Speaker 1:

Go back to Gen X. Gen X witnessed back to the future. You had hoverboards, you were flying in the air, you had flying cars. I mean, this stuff has yet to happen, but we do have self-driving cars with Teslas and they're just in their introductory phase. But most people do not trust having another car drive themselves. Remember, there's human air if you're in a taxi cab and Uber or Lyft. Therefore you have a computer air once AI and the automotive technology catch up to being almost 100% full proof.

Speaker 1:

And that leads us as we talk about.

Speaker 1:

What are the concerns? The concerns is how do we trust? How is this going to impact us. Could this backfire? And that's what some of the key individuals within the technology, from Bill Gates and all of the individuals behind AI, they're concerned about. What are the what? How is this going to impact, potentially in a negative way? And that's the concern that everybody has.

Speaker 1:

So that leads us to the next question how disruptive will this AI be? Ai can really change the fact of everything that we know it as it is Healthcare, transportation, the ecosystem, careers. I mean. One day, we're going to likely be working side by side with robots. Robots will be in the service industry, delivering us and serving us our food. They will be automatic cashiers where they talk back to you with computers. I mean we've seen some of those already at many of the fast food chains, where they've minimized the ticket or the food takers, their orders and have just kiosks in order to demonstrate your order and then pay for your order. Your service is starting to be impacted by that, and disruptive technology is where it's a force and you're not ready for it.

Speaker 1:

Therefore, the question is how is disruptive is it going to be? Are we going to be concerned about our jobs? Well, as I mentioned earlier, we're going to be concerned about our jobs. Openai believes that 19% of the jobs can be replaced. And when you have that, think about this. What are the concerns from millennials, gen X and baby boomers about putting their jobs at risk? 57% of millennials believe there is a concern that AI will put their jobs at risk. Gen X 63% believe AI will put their jobs at risk and 70% of baby boomers believe their jobs will be at risk. And now we have Gen Z and just recently, after 2010, we got Generation Alpha. They're probably gonna be extremely concerned as well, but remember now that AI is so predominant, they actually anticipate. The experts anticipate in the year 2050, ai will produce 12 million more jobs than what will be lost due to job replacement by AI's. This means that maybe some of the quote simple jobs or demanding service jobs will be replaced by AI, but more specialty jobs will likely help and impact AI and those that work side by side. So, yes, it's gonna be disruptive. Should we be concerned? Is the third discussion for today. Should we be concerned? Well, that's a matter of opinion. Going back to the survey, it shows you, when you're talking about putting your jobs at risk, then yeah, it shows upwards of 70% are concerned about putting their jobs at risk. That means we need to continue to improve our skill sets, anticipate what AI will bring to the table, continue to train and educate our youth, specifically Gen Z and Generation Alphas, so when they're in the market for a job they're gonna be ready, they're gonna anticipate AI Again, one of the things that happened this weekend was my son, who's seven, who's part of Generation Alpha.

Speaker 1:

He saw that we were at a festival and they had these Legos along with these Lego motors that would. I think it was called the ED3 and this was a basic robotic memory piece that helped the Legos. Depending on how the gears were turned and the pulley system, it could pick up Legos. And he sat there for about an hour and a half and continued to work with this model, even showed the instructor of some different ways how he could pick up the Legos with this robotic structure. I mean that, right, there is just the tipping point of what AI is going to bring to the table.

Speaker 1:

So we've talked about what are the concerns? We've talked about, should we be concerned and how disruptive will be AIB? And I think the biggest and foremost one that's extremely on everyone's minds and it's important is what are the risks of AI, and that is what is the unknown, and what is people most scared of Scared of the unknown. What you don't know is how it's going to impact you, and that's where the risks are. I mean, you can go back to all the futuristic shows over time and they've talked about robots running the world and concerns about that. I mean, there's movies out here at the box office currently that talk about robotics and how they could take over the world, depending on belief systems. So, yes, there are concerns, but let's talk about what AI brings to the table in opportunities. The opportunities is like anything If you take something, you embrace it and you monitor it.

Speaker 1:

It's like any change that we go through the first is planning, the second part is implementing, the third part is Monitoring the change and then making it more institutionalized, and that's where we are with AI today. We do have to watch for the pitfalls. We have to ensure that all of the All of the little intricacies about AI can be uncovered, resolved, because it can be very dangerous. It's like technology, it's how you use it, and if you use it for good, then it could be a powerful, impactful force that can make strides in healthcare, transportation, jobs, anything that can make a huge impact. Ai can be a big part of that. But the pitfalls is, is somebody. If this AI gets into some dangerous hands or Individuals that do not have any good in store for it, I can see AI being extremely destructive, very risky and it can cause a lot of damage.

Speaker 1:

There's gonna be things with ethics and AI, so I think that's gonna be a really big type of jobs in the future. Is the ethics portion of AI. How do you monitor it? How do you governor it To ensure that all of the teas are crossed and the dies are odd and everybody is safe? But the good part about this is AI is gonna open a lot of doors. It's gonna bring us closer Within the global community. It's gonna allow us to come up with ideas that we weren't able to come up before. We'll be able to utilize these ideas to help us.

Speaker 1:

I mean, the thing is if even AI AI can even write books. Now if you go to publish a book, it'll ask you did AI have any sort of influence in your book? And again, it's about the integrity, the ethics. Think about all the research that can be done with the help of AI. They even stated that AI in the near future could eradicate cancers, can help with, you know, can help with the Climate control. It can help in all the different variations about how, what are important to Millennials, what are important to Gen Z, and these are the trials and tribulations that we are gonna have to go through in order to Desire the impact, the positive impact, that AI, robotics will play within the future.

Speaker 1:

So we need to anticipate it, we need to embrace it. We also need to governor it and ensure that what we get from AI is going to be helpful and promote growth, not be an hindrance to how we live within our societal commitments. So, again, what we talked about today is what are the concerns about AI? Many to how disruptive will AI be? It will be as disruptive as we allow it to be unless we engage and accept it and monitor it we talked about should we be concerned about AI? Of course anything is that is that powerful, you should be concerned. But number four is does AI have risk? Of course it has risks. These risks are associated with the individuals that develop it and how this utilized. We want to ensure that it's utilized as a research tool, as a co-partner, but again, we as a civilization have to do the work, but utilizing that as a tool. It's just. Ai is just another tool that can continue to enhance us as we move forward within our society. And that is the four concepts that I wanted to cover today, and then, at the end, we talked about how it's going to be impactful, how it's going to be helpful, and I personally am excited about what AI has to offer and if it offers what we expect it to many great things are going to happen.

Speaker 1:

Again, I want to thank everybody. I hope everybody is enjoying the podcast and if you have any ideas or podcasts or ideas you would like to hear about, I'd be happy to provide some feedback about it and see what we can do to make it happen. This is a podcast, is for you, and so I want to make sure I bring content that is relevant, so feel free to email me at jason at genzinemillennialexpertcom. That's jason at millennial and gen excuse me at genzinemillennialexpertcom, and I look forward to talking to you again. My name is Dr Jason Wiggins. I am the host of your motivational Gen Z and Millennial Expert. Thank you, take care, and I look forward to talking to everybody soon. Please make sure that you like and subscribe if you're on YouTube. Thank you, take care, bye, bye.

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