Your Motivational Gen Z and Millennial Expert-Your host: Dr. Jason Wiggins
I focus on the motivational aspects with a high emphasize on motivating Gen Z and Millennials (GEN X will also find great value) and the employers who employ them for continuous improvement. This podcast focuses on motivating Gen Z and Millennials to empower to overcome obstacles within our everyday lived experiences. I have a passion for educating, speaking and guiding Gen Z and Millennials to achieve great things. Gen Z and Millennials have experienced so much in a short amount of time as the world continue to move faster. Self-Awareness and belief in our abilities provide a strong foundation for health, happiness and prosperity in a world that offers continuous challenges.
This is a motivational series for Gen Z and Millennials and those who aspire to do great things, while interested in understanding these two great generations and how we can aspire to be better because of the value of motivating through life experiences.
Life is hard, but when we challenge others or ourselves to be successful, then the world demonstrates the value of those who put in the effort. My hope is that each listener will find value and then share that value with others. I am a change leader that is passionate about life transformations and taking our passion and motivation to the next level. YOU CAN DO IT! Remembers Dreams without Goals are just Dreams.
Your Motivational Gen Z and Millennial Expert-Your host: Dr. Jason Wiggins
Unleashing The New You: Networking, Self-Promotion, and Pursuit of Goals (Episode 143)
Are you coasting through the holiday season, waiting for the New Year to kick start your plans? That's what most of us do, right? But our guest, Dr. Jason Wiggins, has a different take on this. He says, "Why wait?" - a principle he lives by. The holiday season, according to this motivational maven, is a potent time to push forward with our goals and expand our networks. He learned this from his own experiences and now he's here to share those insights with you. His anecdotes about holiday hustle and the power of gratitude offers a fresh perspective on chasing success.
Dr. Wiggins also brings up an interesting point about self-promotion. It's not about being boastful or obnoxious, but genuinely highlighting your abilities and the value you can add. A critical part of this is networking, of course. But how can we network effectively without coming off as disingenuous or opportunistic? We`ll discuss this conundrum, and much more, as we navigate the intricacies of being your own cheerleader, while also being a supportive part of others' journeys. This is the season of giving after all, and what better way to celebrate than by giving your dreams the momentum they deserve! So, join us for this invigorating discussion, who knows, it might just be the holiday boost you need.
Hello, friends, welcome. I hope everybody is doing great. My name is Dr Jason Wiggins and I am your motivational Gen Z and Millennial expert. Well, first and foremost, it is great to be here. I hope everybody is doing well, especially after the holiday break. Hopefully you were able to get some rest and relaxation over maybe a three or four, maybe five-day holiday that you might have had. So, again, it's great to be here, and when it comes to this weekend, I just like to share a little bit. I had a great time spending time with my family over in Yuma and my wife and my son and my mother-in-law. It was a great time overall just to see family and friends and be really thankful for just having a lifestyle where you can call people and call them your friends, call them your family, and I'm really blessed for that. I hope you were blessed as well.
Speaker 1:Today we have an exciting podcast. I mean this one really resonated with me because it's really the core, what I'd like to talk about, how I like to get people excited about new things and really venturing outside the scope of what you are normally used to. And the holidays are not a time to stop. The holidays are not a time to go. I'm on break for the next month. I'm gonna coast through the holidays and then I'm gonna start doing what I want to do, starting January 1st with the New Year's resolution. Well, what is a New Year's resolution? Simply put, it is a resolution. It is something you hope that will happen, but the majority of individuals that rely on a New Year's resolution it never comes to fruition. Why? Because you don't give the max amount of effort over the amount of time needed to complete what you want. Holidays are a time when it gives you an advantage, because when sleeping dogs are lying, you're working, you're making an impact, you're developing and repositioning your current tools and foundation. If you stop during the holidays, the only thing you're doing is making sure the inevitable happens. And what is the inevitable Failure? Failure is when you don't put the effort that Gen Z and Millennials need to get ahead. And if you want to get ahead, it's your opportunity to strive and open up that box that allows you to flourish.
Speaker 1:Holidays are a simple time, when it allows you to take one step above your competition. What is your competition? It could be a business, it could be a career, it could be repositioning yourself. Whatever the effort you're going to put in. It's going to prepare you for the opportunities ahead. The opportunities are what's going to give you from what you put into it for your maximum amount of effort.
Speaker 1:I can tell you from experience. I've seen and experienced so many different individuals stating I want to do this, I wish I could do this. I hope that one day I can do this. Hopes and dreams never come to fruition without the effort, the perseverance, the maximizing your tools, your resources. And that lends me to my second important part of ensuring that you're successful during the holidays.
Speaker 1:One, the holiday is not the time to stop. Two, what you do now will help you reap the rewards in the future. And what does that mean? It means that whatever you're doing today, if you're researching about the opportunity or you're planning over the opportunity or you're actually implementing phases of the opportunity, then you can see the full circle of what you desire through the effort that you put in each step. And then it's like any business or any change organization once you plan, implement and then see it through tradition, then you monitor. How is it going? Are you maximizing your overall well-being and career-oriented goals? And that is why you have to put in the work. Nobody. Nobody is going to hand you something, and that's the thing about being Gen Z or Millennials we understand that nobody's going to offer you, but what people can do is set you up for success. They can help you with the tools that you need brushing up on the skills, being mentors, being part of your foundation for success and what is that really called? That's the number three networking.
Speaker 1:Networking is one, if not the strongest tool that can help you align your goals, your opportunities, with what others can provide in those opportunities, and that is networking. You can network at local events, network at charities, business, commerce, meetings within your local area. Linkedin LinkedIn is a huge network and what you want to do on LinkedIn is build your network, build your followers, continue to invite people to connect with you. There was a point in time where all I would do was invite, invite. I'd be on my walks and I would just continue to connect, connect, connect with many people as I knew. Did I know them? No, but they all offer a history, a foundation At some point in time. We never know how. Maybe they could share a thought that we had, or share something that we're interested in, or if we need others to network with, then they may provide that opportunity when we just don't know about it. And that's why the networking is so vital for our success, for your success, to build on moving forward.
Speaker 1:Remember, only you has the ultimate power to appreciate, to facilitate, to implement your tools, your experiences and your career goals. To ensure that you are networking, you're getting your name out, whatever that may be. If you're into something that is really you're passionate about and there is somebody else that shares that same passion, then they are able to provide the opportunity, the connection and really bridge the gap where you may not have that knowledge or you may not have that direct connection, but they can align your goals, your passion with somebody that can help and in return, you may be helping them. And that's why networking is one of the core ways to find new career opportunities, because people want to know that you've done something and by you connecting with somebody else that they know, they're able to get the feedback and obtain that feedback and say they did a great job at this, they were vital in turning this around, they were a great component of what we did here at XYZ company. Therefore, the opportunities through networking are abundant.
Speaker 1:So I want to recap what we've talked about thus far. Holidays are not the time to stop. Holidays are the time to pick up the momentum. Pick up your working towards what you want and really maximizing your results. It's the preparation that you do today will reap the rewards for tomorrow. Number two is review others' work, meaning through networking. Networking allows you to see what others are doing. How are they successful? How are they failing? What are some of the gaps that they're providing? What looks good to you? What doesn't? Utilize that in your day-to-day observations to help you get better.
Speaker 1:Remember, we are all flawed. Why? Because we're humans. Humans are a flawed species and that's okay, because, as long as you learn from your mishaps, your mistakes, I cannot begin to tell you all the mistakes that I've made, all the flawed observations that I've made, the connections that I've made in my past may not have always been the best, but I always tried to surround myself with people that share the same passion as me. That made me a better person, and that's what leads me to the next step is surrounding yourself with great people, people that are going to push your agenda, exploit your passions and make you an all-around better person.
Speaker 1:I talked about it just a second ago. We are all flawed, we are all failures throughout our lives, but the only true failure is the one that stops trying. And when you stop trying, then, and only then, do you start surrounding yourself with people that will feed off your failing. Why? Because they continue to fail and want nothing more than you to fail with them, to make them feel good, because they feel good when you fail. And that's not a true friend, that is not a somebody you want in your corner and that's not somebody you want pushing you. And you see it a lot.
Speaker 1:When people have people that follow them on tarajas that all they are is blood sucking. All they want is the resources that that person has. And when those resources dry up, those people all disappear. They're like leeches. They gravitate on you, they position themselves and they take the life out of you. If you have people that are doing that in your life, they're stopping you from gaining the tools, the resources, the traction that's going to provide you the success that you desire. Then it's time to find those people and say thank you for nothing I'm going to have to move on without you. Why? Because you're not doing anything good for me, for my career, for my passion and for what I strive for. Don't let those people take you down. They will. They will take you down and they will laugh as they do it.
Speaker 1:Therefore, remember to review other people's work, review their failures, review what they've done well, and then ensure that you surround yourself with the people that are going to raise you up. They're going to make you great, because greatness is in the eyes of the beholder, and that beholder is you, and so the one thing I like to talk about is, besides developing a good network, is Do not be afraid to promote yourself. Promote is not the same as bragging. Bragging is where you want people to be envious of you. Promoting is not about making people envious. Promoting is about demonstrating some of the career, accolades or things that you're currently doing to promote your business, to promote your brand, to market what you strive for. Are you developing a new business? Are you developing a trade? Are you promoting yourself? Are you doing the things that are going to improve certain aspects of your life?
Speaker 1:And promotion, self-promotion, organization promotion. Everywhere you look, everybody, every organization, is promoting their brand, promoting their business, promoting how they do things for the environment, how they help others. I worked for an organization that I don't think they really. I don't want to say they didn't care, but I think they did things just because they wanted to promote the organization but not what the organization was doing for the outside charitable groups. And so you want to make sure that when you promote yourself or your organization, you are genuine in promoting your organization, you really want what you've done to be promoted because of the good things you have done and how they circulated around that charitable donation or organization, but not seem like you're just doing it to self-promote. Hey, look what I did to help this organization. Because to be quite serious about that is people know, people know if you really are trying to help another organization or you're just trying to brag and promote the organization that you oversee. Don't be afraid to self-promote.
Speaker 1:If you're promoting a book, you're promoting a podcast, you're promoting a YouTube, you're promoting your business, you're promoting your brand. Whatever you may be doing, do it with the best intentions that really speak to others. And how do you speak to others? You speak to them by how can I help you, how can I be a resource to better your life, to better your network, to better your organization, your business, because so many businesses, so many individuals want to promote just about what I want. This is what I want. I want your business, I want your money, I want the sale from your company. I can help you if you give me this. I understand that is capitalism. Capitalism is about always striving to gain from others. I completely understand that and I have been guilty of that as well. But the way you can circumvent that is by demonstrating the value that you promote is going to help somebody. It's going to help an organization. How are you going to do that? What kind of free tools can you provide in advance that maybe, if they like what they see, they may come and subscribe to your business, subscribe to what you're selling, and that promotion will then be working to your advantage.
Speaker 1:But don't be self-serving first. When you're self-serving, what that means is you don't care about somebody else. All you care about I want your business. The most successful salespeople out there are those that are striving to help. And how do you do that? They educate the customer. They talk about the benefits, the analysis, what this can do, but they don't push the sale. They say when or if you are ready, I am here to help. Sure, do they want to sell? Absolutely A lot of time. It's based on commission, it's based on quotas and it's usually based on their job. If they don't produce what is needed, then they typically lose their job. But if you're in desperation mode, if you're promotion, if you're promoting, then it will come out at the end.
Speaker 1:That is why be directive of helping others, and that's my goal this podcast is does not generate any revenue unless you want to donate and help out, which is always appreciated to help further the content. But right now, as it stands now, I do not generate any sort of money from this podcast. And that is OK, because why my sole purpose of this podcast is to educate is to help. It is to motivate. If I can motivate one Gen Z and millennial to get up, get out there and do what you can strive for, because of giving you just a slight little push, then if you become successful or you reach the pinnacle of what you want and you've listened to my podcast and that helps you then that right there is what I consider a success. If it's one person, one person that I'm able to reach out there, then I couldn't be happier and that means this podcast was a complete success.
Speaker 1:Today's podcast is about unleashing the new you, and part of the process and steps that we've talked about today was don't stop during the holidays. This is a time to maximize your resources and continue to strive for excellence. And the second part of that is the work that you do today will provide and pay you the dividends in the near future because of all your hard work. No good deed goes unpunished. What does that mean? The unpunished can also mean rewarded and review the works of others and see their failures. Surround people that you know are going to be good for you. Remove and disregard the leeches that are taking away your lifeline.
Speaker 1:To be successful, don't be afraid to network. Networking will help Well, not hinder. It will help push. Whatever you're selling, your business, your branding, your promotion, whatever it may be, your network, if it comes across the right way, can help advance that. And then don't be afraid to promote yourself. You are your biggest champion, your biggest fan, and that right there alone will help you if you really have good intentions to get the best out of yourself, to get the best out of others and you really are looking towards helping others.
Speaker 1:And finally, today I want to talk about embracing those opportunities. What does embracing those opportunities mean. It means exploiting. When you have a chance to get what you desire through maximum effort, people will provide you those opportunities. The doors will open, but be cognitive. Not every door that opens is a great door. You may have people come to you about certain jobs, certain investments. It doesn't mean it's the right opportunity today, but nobody will just hand you anything. You need to do the legwork, and when you do the legwork, doors will begin to open. And when they open, it's important to review the opportunity, see how it's going to help you as a business, as a self-promoter, as a way of helping you maximize your potential.
Speaker 1:We are our biggest fan. We should be our biggest fan, not in a boasting, bragging type of way, but in a promotional way that says, hey, this is what I've done, these are the resources that I have, these are the tools that I've maximized, this is how I continue to improve myself and this is what I can do for your organization, for your company, for you as an individual. This is how I can help and this is what we're going to do to maximize your strengths as an organization and do the things that we need to do. So today, I really am excited about today's podcast because it really it really talked about a lot of different things, but it talked about exploiting the opportunities that you can unleash in the new you.
Speaker 1:The power of an individual cannot go unnoticed when you are willing to sacrifice for those career opportunities, for those ability to really, you know, make the most of something that's spectacular. I mean, I'm still learning, I'm still trying to maximize the resources, but maximizing those resources starts with you, you and you only. But I'm here to support and help and provide any information that I can help. So if you want to reach out at any point in time, I am happy to help you in any way I can. So feel free to reach out to me at JasonWigginsprofessionalgmailcom. I do have a business email as well, but I'd like to keep it generic because I don't want to just look like I'm trying to support a business. I'm trying to help you as an individual.
Speaker 1:So I want to thank everybody after the long holiday weekend for listening and if you enjoy the content, please share, like and subscribe. I would like to continue to develop the base of the listenership and, again, if you get something, some value, out of this, please do not hesitate to share, like, subscribe, donate, whatever it may be that you would like to do, or just want to reach out to me to say you know what, could you help me with this? Or whatever it may be, I'm happy to help. So JasonWigginsprofessionalgmailcom. So again, thank you, thank you. Thank you for your listenership and I look forward to talking to you next week on Monday. My goal is to try to provide podcasts every Monday and that's kind of the program that we're going to continue to promote, moving forward. So again, my name is Dr Jason Wiggins, I'm your motivational Gen Z and millennial expert, and thank you for your listenership today and I look forward to talking to you next Monday. Thank you, take care and talk to you next week. Bye, bye.